Archive for April 20, 2010

File:Marijuana small.jpg

Smoking cannabis was prohibited almost 100 years ago in California but the Cannabis plant has been around for thousands of years, proving beneficial for everything from medicines to clothing. Let’s take a look back at the history of Mary Jane. (more…)

WTF: Late(z)

Posted: April 20, 2010 by Brian in comedy, WTF

Latez:  Goodbye; Farewell

Honestly, I don’t even recall how this word got started.  And it’s not just “Latez” or “Lates” (however it is you actually spell that), but other words like “Whatevs”, “Laters”.  WTF people.  Why the hell can we not conform to the language that has been given to us. Why do we feel the need to modify words?  Now, I’ll admit.  I do use the word, “Later”.  Not plural, and its short for “I’ll see you later“.  Yes?  Makes sense?  You don’t see me modifying my greetings.  What if I wanted to greet you?   “Hellos”, “Sups”, “Suppers”.  As a matter of fact, I believe I HAVE heard “Suppers”.  Sad, so so sad.